762 Jointing compound [not for use in aerospace]

Stock Code: 762

FUCHS 762 High Temperature Jointing Compound x 200gms
(Known as SILKOLENE 762)

Optimum sealing efficiency is attained within the temperature range of 550° C to 760° C but, dependent on the characteristics of the joint faces involved, a satisfactory performance can be achieved over a wider temperature range. For example, the compound is known to be effective from 200° C to 800° C in the case of rigid joint faces of good surface finish, which are free from distortion and differential movement at the operating temperatures.

Method of Use:
A thin layer of compound should be spread over each of the faces to be joined by means of a flexible knife blade or spatula.
The faces should be brought into contact as soon as possible after the application of the compound. Joints can be parted after service by tapping with a soft mallet, thus shattering the film of compound which becomes brittle at room temperatures after operation at elevated temperatures. Compound still adhering to the exposed joint surfaces can be cleaned off by soaking in hot water for about one hour followed by wire brushing. Larger faces can be cleaned by applying hot water to the surfaces with a sponge or cloth, then scraping or wire brushing.

General Electric A 15 D 6-S (Interim Approval) - High Temperature Jointing Compound.
Approved by Rolls Royce plc under MSRR 9294.
Recommended for use by: - Pratt and Whitney, Normalair/Garret Turbochargers, Lucas CAV Turbochargers, Mikuni Carburetors
Included in Perkins Service Bulletin TV8.540, Jointing of Exhaust Manifold Sleeves.

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762 Jointing Compound 762.pdf

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